Why are instant noodles not junk food

In the fast-paced modern life, instant noodles seem to have become the “savior” of many people. With its fast, convenient, and economical characteristics, it has won the favor of many busy people. However, for a long time, instant noodles have been labeled as “junk food”, causing many people to enjoy the convenience it brings while also worrying about its potential health effects. As a doctor, I want to explore the other side of instant noodles from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine and explore why it can also become a healthy choice.

Misunderstanding of the “health” of instant noodles

First, let’s start with a patient’s story. Jacky is a typical urban white-collar worker who is busy with work and often works overtime until late at night. In order to save time, instant noodles have become his “regular meal”. However, long-term dietary habits like this have left him feeling physically weak and even experiencing symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort. Jacky’s sexual relationship was also affected as a result, and he began to worry about his health condition.

Jacky’s story is not uncommon, and many people’s concerns about instant noodles mainly come from their high oil, high salt, and high-calorie properties. But in reality, instant noodles themselves are not “health killers”, the key lies in how we consume them.

Why are instant noodles not junk food?

Diversity of ingredient matching
Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes “five grains for nourishment”, instant noodles can be used as a staple food, the key lies in how to match other ingredients; for example, fresh vegetables, soy products, lean meat, etc. can be added, which can not only increase the diversity of nutrition, but also balance the oil and salt in instant noodles.

Innovation in cooking methods
The traditional cooking method of instant noodles is relatively simple, but we can innovate on this basis; for example, after cooking the instant noodles until half-cooked, drain the water and stir-fry with a small amount of oil, which can reduce the intake of fat; at the same time, using your own soup base instead of the seasoning packet that comes with the instant noodles can control the intake of salt.

Moderation in eating
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that “eating in moderation” is an important principle of health preservation; even if it is healthy food, excessive consumption will cause a burden on the body; instant noodles are a portion of emergency food, and eating them in moderation can provide quick energy supplements, but they should not become the mainstream of daily diet.

Choose whole-grain instant noodles
There are many varieties of instant noodles on the market. Choosing instant noodles made from whole grains can provide more dietary fiber and vitamins, which contribute to intestinal health; at the same time, the glycemic index (GI value) of whole grain instant noodles is relatively low, which helps maintain blood sugar stability.

Reasonable use of the nutrition of instant noodles
The carbohydrates in instant noodles can be quickly converted into energy. For people who need to quickly replenish energy, such as night shift workers and long-distance drivers, eating in moderation can meet the body’s needs; at the same time, a small amount of protein and fat in instant noodles can also relieve hunger to a certain extent.



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